• Country: TAIWAN
  • Official Title: 主任
  • Department: 亞東紀念醫院教學部教師培育中心

Speech Title

Providing holistic care through developing multi-disciplinary care and education

 Care of individual patients has become more complex with advances in medicine, treatment options and an aging populations. We are faced with many issues during the care of each patient, and there is a shift towards “Holistic health care” (body, mind, spirit, social ). There are high expectations for the primary care to provide care for not only medical problems, but also deal with other facets of the patient and caretaker needs. Physicians need training and also to cooperate with other health professionals disciplines in order to provide these needs. Through utilizing different education methods, an institution should increase opportunities for cross talk between the team members . An effective method is to hold “Multi-disciplinary meeting” where different health professionals come together to discuss the care of an individual patient. I will review and share how these meeting can be effectively utilized.